On 18.9.2023, the Jiangsu-Germany Business Forum “Great Business Opportunity for Joint Success” took place at the Congress Centre in Düsseldorf

Jiangsu Province was represented by Governor Xu Kunlin, who was accompanied by a government and business delegation. The Chairman of the Board of the XCMG Group Yang Dongsheng gave a presentation on the opportunities in Jiangsu Province using the example of XCMG as well as the development of the investment activities of the XCMG Group in Germany.

Yang Dongsheng and Carl Theodor von Lieres und Wilkau signed a joint agreement on behalf of the XCMG Group and the Society for German-Chinese Friendship Krefeld-Niederrhein e.V. during the business forum. XCMG has taken over the sponsorship of Chinese lessons for 8 Krefeld schools and will support the lessons in the future. In addition to teaching the Chinese language, the focus of the lessons is also on intercultural competence and regional studies.

We wish all the pupils a lot of fun in the lessons.